Unsettling parties disturb peace in El Poblado


In the upscale neighborhood of El Poblado, Medellín, residents are facing an increasingly disruptive issue that challenges their peace and daily routines. A foreign national has purchased an apartment in the Málaga building and has since been hosting endless parties characterized by loud music, alcohol consumption, and the arrival of numerous scantily clad women at all hours of the day. This behavior has sparked outrage among local residents and raised serious concerns about the degradation of their quality of life.

The core of the residents’ complaints revolves around the incessant noise and the ostentatious display of disregard for local norms and regulations by the apartment owner. Videos shared by former senator José Obdulio Gaviria, depict scenes where women, in a defiant display of exhibitionism, enter the building partially undressed. This brazen behavior occurs in broad daylight, much to the dismay of other residents who, despite numerous calls to the police, feel that their grievances are largely ignored.

Local laws, including the Police Code, clearly outline multiple possible infractions in such cases, with excessive noise being a significant component. However, residents claim that despite their repeated appeals for intervention, the police have taken no substantive action. This inaction has led to a palpable sense of frustration and helplessness among the community members.

This situation in El Poblado is not isolated. It reflects a broader trend of gentrification and “touristification” that has been transforming Medellín. Just recently, another report highlighted the community’s resistance against a proposed construction of a tourist-oriented building in the Santa María de los Ángeles neighborhood, which residents fear could bring similar disturbances and undermine the residential nature of the area.

The ongoing issues in El Poblado have prompted residents to consider taking matters into their own hands. While some advocate for direct action due to the lack of effective police response, others urge pursuing legal and regulatory avenues to prevent further disruptions. This scenario underscores a growing challenge in urban environments where the interests of long-standing residents clash with the dynamics introduced by new, often foreign, investors.

The situation in El Poblado is a microcosm of larger urban challenges facing cities like Medellín, where the balance between welcoming tourists and preserving the quality of life for residents is increasingly precarious. As the community grapples with these issues, the need for effective enforcement of existing laws and perhaps new strategies to manage such conflicts becomes ever more apparent.